February 21, 1994
Today marks the twelve-year anniversary of my brother's three-week-old anniversary, if you could really call it a weekaversary, I mean, if you could really call it an anniversary, because it's more like a weekaversary. I kinda blundered that one up, if you could use that phrase, because I think "blundered" is acceptable as is without the "that one up."
Having completed my letter to Monsieur René Magritte last night for Ms Breining3r's class, I watched the 1991 flick What About Bob?, the role of Bill Murray's life, not including Groundhog Day, which was (I swear) the funniest damn movie EVER. But before that, I had some turkey & baked potatoes and before that I started the biography on Mr. Magritte, the popular Belgian surrealist artist. Of course, who could forget putting together a dumb-ass jigsaw puzzle of a castle on the computer, which came with a little elementary school program my cousin Matt received for Christmas. It reminded me so much of New Year's Eve, which I fondly recall as being a feel-good mix of Border's Book Shop, sparkling beverages, Entertainment Weekly magazine, mixed nuts & cheeses, The Piano, Penn & Teller, George Carlin, Holly Hunter, and Pearl Jam. In fact, I was listening to Pearl Jam (the group's name, I hear, is derived from Eddie Vedder's grandmother, Pearl, who makes jam) about four times on yesterday (Sunday) because Q101 played "Daughters," "Glorified 'G'," "Alive," and "Elderly Woman Behind the Counter in a Small Town" about maybe an hour and a half apart, as I was typing my paper on the computer, or maybe doing the Tribune magazine crossword puzzle. (This reminds me now of last summer when I completed an entire crossword puzzle from Tempo one morning while listening to the Best of Blue Note CD I just received in the mail from the CD club, and I only used a dictionary about twice, and then maybe I went on a bike ride up to Downers later that day). More reminiscences later --
JMC 1:15 pm
the group's name, I hear, is derived from Eddie Vedder's grandmother, Pearl, who makes jamhahahaha, you little SUCKER!
Anonymous, at February 26, 2005 at 4:01 PM
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